The Saginaw school community added a magnificent active green play space to what once was a very dry and shadeless area on the school grounds.  A dedicated group of parent volunteers have been working hard for 2 years to plan, share and create an active space for our students.  A special shout out to our families for supporting school council in the fundraising drives that took place over the past 2 years.  Our Greening team could not have accomplished our vision without the incredible support of Dennis Wendland, School Ground Design Consultant at Toyota Evergreen Learning Grounds.  Thank you Dennis!

We are grateful for the support of the Toyota Evergreen Learning Grounds, the Rotary Club of Cambridge, The TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and the Region of Waterloo Community Environment Fund for their grant support of our project.  Thank you to Earthscape from Elmira for working with us to design and create an imaginative creative space for kids!

We have an official ribbon cutting ceremony planned for Friday, September 13, 2013 at 9:05 a.m.  We look forward to starting our day with O Canada and a special thank you to our community partners for making this space spectacular!

Our students will participate in an assembly led by singer/songwriter Gary Rasberry as we join in song with Gary to sing Rocks and Trees are All of Me from his new children’s C.D.


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Thanks Earthscape for helping us to imagine the possibilities.