September 21st, 2016
In 1980, Terry Fox undertook the unimaginable: to run across Canada to raise much-needed funds for cancer research. Terry had a dream – a world without cancer – and his dream unified our nation, as Canadians from coast-to-coast banded together behind this remarkable young man.
Saginaw Public School will be joining many schools across the country in the Terry Fox National School Run on Thursday, September 29th. Our students and staff will participate during the middle block of the day by walking or running around the school yard.
Terry Fox believed that he could make a difference in raising funds to support cancer research. It is hoped that students and parents will be motivated to assist those suffering from cancer by participating in fundraising. Those who are interested can donate money for cancer by sending ”Toonies for Terry” (or any loose change) to the school from Monday, September 26thth through Friday, September 30th. Our fundraising goal is $800.00.
Terry Fox wanted each of us to know that none of us is too small to change the world we live in. He envisioned us all coming together to win the fight against cancer. We are looking forward to this great event as we honour Terry Fox a Canadian hero, and families in the Saginaw community.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.