STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The STEM GYRLS Mini-Con is being run from 1pm-4pm on Saturday, September 24th at Hillcrest Public School. It will be done open-house style so girls aged 9-13 will be the focus, but they may bring their mother, a female guardian or other important woman in their life. The basis of the day is to celebrate women in STEM, and introduce girls to female role models in the field.

STEM GYRLS mini conference will feature activities that have been planned and are being presented by women working in or studying a STEM field. The goal of this component is to give girls a hands-on experience of what STEM jobs or fields of study may entail.

We will also be featuring a ‘human library’ in which women in STEM will act as ‘books’, and attendees will have ‘library’ cards that have questions they can ask them. Once their library card is full, it may be entered to win a prize. The goal of this component is to introduce the girls to as many women working in STEM as possible; to see that not every path to science, tech, engineering or math is the same.
