MMM… Mint Smoothies Return

  MMM.. MINT SMOOTHIES RETURN Back by popular demand this season, we are offering the Famous Rheo Thompson mint chocolate sensation fundraiser from Stratford Ontario. Available for purchase in multiples of ten, this $2.00 individually gold wrapped chocolate makes the perfect gift or party favor. Sell them, gift them and enjoy them ~ order forms […]

November- December Newsletter is available on our website

How quickly the school year goes by. As announced in our September newsletter we are moving to a paperless version of  the school newsletter. Parents can access the newsletter on line and we will have some hard copies available if needed at the office. On November 20, students from Saginaw will be attending the “We Day” […]

Terry Fox Run

Thank you Saginaw families and staff  for supporting our  annual Terry Fox Walk in our community. Your generous support helped us to reach our goal of $700.oo  We are very proud of our students for their enthusiastic participation.

Lunch Lady update

Lunch Lady has a new menu with more options than ever before now posted on their website. There are gluten free options, halal options and little lunches. Once you log in you have the choice of a menu. The new menu is called the Oct/Nov extended menu. Just a reminder that you do not have […]

Collaborating with the Author of “That Chickadee Feeling”

Our official opening for our Active Play Space was magnificent! Thanks to all of our students and parents for braving the first cold day of September, outside for our opening ceremony. We had a great time singing O Canada on the field as a school. Thanks to Gary Rasberry for leading the school in a […]

QSP Magazine Fundraising Campaign

Our Magazine drive is on! Please take some time to look through the catalogue and consider purchasing magazines for your home, family and friends. The funds raised will support Phase 3 of our Greening initiative as well as  purchasing technology for the school. The magazine campaign goes from now until October 15. You can send […]

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Saginaw’s Active Play Space

The Saginaw school community added a magnificent active green play space to what once was a very dry and shadeless area on the school grounds.  A dedicated group of parent volunteers have been working hard for 2 years to plan, share and create an active space for our students.  A special shout out to our […]

Saginaw Students Make a Difference!

Lucas in Grade 1 was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Lucas wanted to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and asked his school to help out.  Lucas set a goal to raise $2,500 for the Walk for the Cure. Three classes helped promote a hat and gum day and with the enthusiasm of […]

Year End BBQ

Please join Saginaw  School Council for the annual year end BBQ. Mark June 13 on your calendar. School Council has planned an active evening of games and activities. Stay tuned for the food order form, arriving home on May 21. This year we will continue with the annual silent auction. All proceeds from the BBQ […]

kindergarten post

Welcome to Kindergarten at Saginaw

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