STARS have been challenged to walk, run, bike, blade or scooter to school! Waterloo Region Police Services will be walking from Granite Hill with our Trailblazers and welcoming all those that have met our challenge with a small token.  Remember Stars, having caregivers drop you off and walking 400 meters to school counts.  Please see the map our officer will be taking IWalkPoster_SAG

Being Active on the way to school has many benefits:

Active school travel helps to meet the goal for school-aged children of at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity, which is linked with lower body mass index and improved cardiovascular health.

Physical activity also supports healthy brain development, which can lead to improved learning and academic outcomes.

Mental health benefits include reduced stress, depression, and anxiety, and increased happiness.

Reducing traffic volumes at bell times creates safer school zones for all students and improving walking and cycling routes to school enhances the safety, connectivity, and quality of life for the community as a whole.

Reducing the number of children being driven to school improves air quality and reduces associated risks of lung and cardiovascular diseases. Air pollution can also impact cognitive development: children are particularly vulnerable, experiencing negative impacts at lower levels of exposure than adults.

We remind you that to ensure pedestrian safety that you walk your bike or scooter once on school property.

Happy iWalk Day STARS!